Wednesday, August 09, 2006

ROLLING STONE says: "Sexy Lucy are the best kept secret of Columbia's electro scene."

Sexy Lucy, are not tired of being sexy like CSS but they sure have an electro pop-punk feel to them. When I saw them peform live at CBGB's Gallery, I'd say they remind me of an electro Slits meets early Glass Candy. When listening to them on recording, they remind me of CSS, Ladytron, and Glass Candy all mixed together.

The Synth and Sequences savy, Pal, and another friend started the project a while ago and has now developed into a full on band with members; Eva (Vocals), Juan Carlos Palma (Bass Guitar), Carlos (Guitar), Guguillo (Real Drums), and Pal (Synths and Sequences). Their music is filled w/ sparkly sythesizers, trance-like drum beats, crazy guitar spazms, and sexy-breathy vocals. Flirtatious lyrics (mostly in English but w/ some Spanish lyrics too) tempting you to come closer, loosing control of your body, wanting to read your pervert thoughts and such things when Eva sings "boom, boom, boom - body breaker - boom, boom, boom - body shaker."

They arrived in the USA on August 1st and have played two shows in NYC, the Latin Lovers Ball @ Crash Mansion on August 5th and the CBGB's Gallery on August 6th. Unfortunately, their bass player had to go back to Columbia on Thursday, forcing them to canceling their third show at the bi-monthly party, Night Time (hosted by Justine D, Tim Sweeney, and Dave P). They thought of possible substitutes but there seemed to be nothing that could be done (another bass player couldn't learn 9 songs in 2 days and the bass track recording via mp3 file was messed up a few days before they came to NYC).

Their album, Not For You, has some great tracks w/ my favorite one being "Lonely"! Other great songs include: Saturday Jerry, Fifth Avenue, Loosing Control, Tell Me, and Holy Hollywood. You can check out some songs on their myspace site.

Even though a lot of luck hasn't been with them on this tour, they did make it here to NYC and got a feel for how things work in the Latin and the non-Latin music community. I feel their manager, Yuzzy Acosta, has good intentions and really sees something special in them that will be appreciated much more in the future. Hang in there Sexy Lucy!! Keep strong, keep working on the music and focus on what you want!! Then, come back to the USA, rawk the world from the Algo side of things and see what happens!!

Sexy Lucy official site
Sexy Lucy myspace

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