Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Yup, I went to a Karaoke night at Piano's last night for a going away party for a co-worker. Alot of people got wasted and started singing Guns n' Roses songs and Salt n' Peppa songs, but not me. I just stood by the side lines enjoying the attraction while taking embarrassing pictures. (I'm only putting some innocent pics on here).

If anyone is interested in going to this hillarious event here's a brief write up from Anthem Mag and more detailed info:Karaoke Killed The Cat site

"Karaoke" is a dirty word. Typically it evokes images of wooden, perfunctory performances by Asian businessmen or housewives shrieking their way through Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time" while slugging back appletinis. Sure you may have done it at your cousin's wedding or at the Polish bar down the street on a drunken dare, but you wouldn't want your friends to see you. Just like enjoying elimiDATE or Ralph Nader though, sometimes you need reassurance from a more confident source to validate your guilty pleasure. Here's where Chris Ehrmann can help... - Anthem Magazine

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